It is well known that, all countries in the world have their own
culture as their property to be shown as a symbol of the countries. Hence,
culture is really important for one country, such Indonesia. Basically,
Indonesia is well known as rich country which has many kinds of culture. Most
of Indonesia cultures are unique, exotic, and interesting. One of the examples
is tourism. It has been proven that many people especially foreigners like
visiting Indonesia beautiful tourism.
Normally, culture is the result of human’s cultivation in social
environment. Furthermore, every country should keep their own culture as well
as possible in order not to be lost by the existence of globalization phenomenon.
Unfortunately, Indonesia Cultures are influenced by the existence of western
Based on Anthropology book, every country cannot avoid the
existence of globalization phenomenon. Normally, this event is caused by some
factors, those are:
It is a process to spread habit or
costume out from a country to other countries. Actually, most of Indonesian’s
are doing diffusion in abstract manner, such studying abroad. It is well known
that, most of Indonesian’s are studying abroad to have good education. So, when
Indonesian is staying in other countries, certainly Indonesian’s culture will
be known and followed by the foreigners immediately.
Basically, it is a big alteration of
cultivation which is influenced by other countries culture. Normally, it is
caused by the elements of western culture which are received in selection
below are the elements of western culture that are easy to be received:
culture, such wearing tight clothes.
Useful culture,
such technology existence.
Culture which
is easy to be received by society especially poverty, such food.
Besides, some elements of western culture are difficult to be received
by Indonesian. For example is abstract culture, such ideology of other
countries. In fact, every country has its own ideology, such “Pancasila”
as Indonesian ideology.
Assimilation is changing process which lose a culture which is
caused by the differences of culture in one place. In the reality today, every
province in Indonesia has different culture. Actually, each culture in every
area influenced one other. Then, it gives impact for both areas which are
influenced by the culture itself.
In the fact, western culture is leading role to influence our
country, Indonesia. It is the proof that, most of Indonesian is following
western culture which decrease human’s morality. Due to the fact that, western
culture really influence everybody to do everything they want, such as
increasing criminality and sexual evil.
Nowadays, Indonesian is easy to get influenced from another
culture. Due to the fact that, most of western culture structure has
compatibilities with Indonesian’s life. Unfortunately, it has impact for
Indonesian. Those below are the impacts of western culture:
Being egoism
and individualism which decrease community existence as Indonesia culture
Indonesia costume and tradition
interested in instant life style
human’s creativity
Today, most of Indonesians are not
really care about Indonesia culture. Indonesian really prefer following western
culture to keeping Indonesia culture. It has big possibilities that Indonesia
culture will be lost. Therefore, Indonesian should have big effort to defend
our culture.
From those problems above, people
may have a solution to keep Indonesian’s culture as well as possible.
Increasing local superiority to face western culture might be good solution to
solve Indonesian’s problem especially in culture sight. So, from the solution
mentioned above really help Indonesian to avoid the impacts of western culture.
So, it goes without saying that, the
existence of western culture really influences people morality. Furthermore, it
will lose Indonesia culture. So that, Indonesian should be able to keep Indonesia
culture as well.